Vaccinations for South East Asia
There are no required vaccinations for entry into Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia or Hong Kong from Western Europe. Nevertheless, there are a few vaccinations that are recommended for South East Asia.
For the short-term tourist boosters of your childhood vaccines (Tetanus) and also ones against some of the food and water borne diseases (Hepatitis A and Typhoid) are usually recommended. Those trekking or those staying for longer periods will need to consider cover against a number of other diseases (such as Hepatitis B and Rabies).
Most travellers should start their vaccines about four to six weeks before they intend to travel, but if you are embarking on a longer trip or venturing to more rural regions of South East Asia you may consider attending your initial consultation earlier.
Malaria and many other illnesses are spread through the bite of a female mosquito. The major cities and most of the main tourist destinations of South East Asia are malaria free but still you may be bitten by mosquitoes, especially around dusk. There are other mosquito borne diseases which can be transmitted in these regions including Dengue and Japanese B Encephalitis. Make sure you cover up well and use good quality insect repellent. Malaria Prophylaxis may be recommended for you depending on your trip itinerary.
The temperatures in any of the South East Asian countries are a good deal higher than the hottest of Irish days but the climate is influenced by monsoon storms which can spring up very rapidly so you should be aware of this possibility and bring suitable clothing with you if travelling at these times of the year.
This information is not intended as a substitute for seeing a physician before your journey, these are merely guidelines. Do ensure that you take extra health precautions while you are overseas and so help yourself to have a safe and healthy holiday.